1. Was there a specific problem that led you to Upper Cervical Chiropractic?
My right hip would produce pain when my lower back was out of place—this was my beginning to happen more frequently, which was not a desired direction.
2. How did this problem affect the quality of your life?
Walking was uncomfortable and the concern about what was happening in my lower back caused some disquieting apprehension.
3. What had you done previously to try to resolve this problem?
Regular chiropractic care always fixed the situation short term, but visits to the chiropractor were getting closer together as now it was not staying in place as long as usual.
My husband heard an upper cervical presentation on the radio and decided to see if it would be helpful for him. As he was educated about it, he encouraged me to check into it.
4. Describe the improvements in your condition as a result of the care you received.
I was apprehensive in the beginning. However, my back was out again (I could tell by the pain level) so decided this would be a good test—to see if proper upper cervical alignment would correct the back. The improvement came quickly—getting to the source of the problem really makes a difference. Because of monitoring in the beginning, my back now was staying in place much longer. I was pain free for longer and longer periods of time as the body assumed correct alignment as a more stable condition.
5. How has your life improved while under Upper Cervical Chiropractic care? Are there things you weren’t able to enjoy fully that you can now participate in again?
I no longer expect the hip pain to show up frequently, and pain free movement is also very welcome, as I do a lot of walking and gardening and maintain an active lifestyle.
6. Do you have anything to share that might encourage others to consider restoring their health through Upper Cervical Chiropractic?
When the upper cervical area is in correct alignment, you can know that the rest of your back is in place as well. It’s good to know that you are able to function at a maximum capacity with neurological connections getting good communication. This makes for better overall health and well-being. It’s a good feeling.
7. Additional notes/comments:
It benefits the overall health of an individual in many varied ways. The search for maintaining health is somewhat like mining for gold. When you use regular chiropractic care it is like finding a stream that has good quality gold, but when you use the upper cervical chiropractic care, you have hit the mother-lode.
Norma McIntyre – Seattle, WA