Green-TeaOne of the most common organisms responsible for bladder infection is the bacteria E. Coli. Unfortunately, many such infections are resistant to most antibiotics.


A new study from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine found that at least two flavonoids from green tea could significantly suppress E. Coli, even those organisms resistant to many antibiotic drugs.

Of all the flavonoids (called catechins) in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechtin gallate (ECG) had the greatest effectiveness.

Because ECG is released in the urine in high concentrations, it may offer a safer way to stem urinary infections than EGCG, which is only present in low levels in the urine.

Adding green tea extract to conventional antibiotics would make them work better–and at lower doses may even help overcome antibiotic resistance.


Anthony Rumsey
Anthony Rumsey
Dr. Anthony Rumsey lives and practices chiropractic in Anchorage, Alaska. You can contact Dr. Rumsey via the contact form or by handwritten letter.