September 26, 2012

Searching for neck pain or cranio-cervical syndrome in Anchorage?

When someone says neck problems, the first things that usually comes to mind are neck pain and stiffness. Do a search on Google about neck conditions, and you're going to find results about neck injuries and neck pain. A lot of results!
September 18, 2012

Chiropractic isn’t for back pain?

Wait--isn't chiropractic care for back pain? And aren't chiropractors quite effective at helping people with back problems. Well, no. And yes. Let's see why by taking a trip back into history.
September 7, 2012

Three ways to save on chiropractic care near Anchorage, AK

Do you want to save money on chiropractic care near Anchorage, AK? Great! There are at least three secret ways that you can do it.
April 3, 2012

Why so few upper cervical chiropractors in Anchorage, AK?

Why are there so few upper cervical chiropractors in Anchorage, AK? Many upper cervical chiropractic patients have powerful healing stories. In some cases, these patients have such a profound transformation that they cannot understand why they didn't hear about upper cervical chiropractic care sooner. They want to know: where did all the upper cervical chiropractors go?
March 26, 2012

Fibromyalgia pain options in Anchorage, AK

Not many fibromyalgia patients in Anchorage, AK know that they have more than one option in chiropractic care. NUCCA Upper cervical chiropractic care is gentle, logical, and often helps those with fibro pain heal in ways that they have not experienced with medications, physical therapy, manual therapy, and traditional chiropractic.
March 8, 2012

Is your chronic pain lying to you?

When you ask these new questions you might actually discover some of the answers you are seeking.
January 31, 2012

Four stories about Trigeminal Neuralgia and upper cervical care from the Facial Pain Foundation

Trigeminal Neuralgia is the #1 cause of facial pain, with 4 to 5 persons per 100,000 having the disease. Some authorities say that more might be suffering, but aren’t counted because of misdiagnosis. According to the National Pain Foundation, 1.7 millions have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. TN’s reputation as one of the most severe body pains makes that 1.7 million too many. In many cases TN grows to be a debilitating and chronic pain […]
January 26, 2012

50 simple ways to lose your upper cervical alignment

Does doing any one of these 50 things mean you're going to need another adjustment? Not necessarily. Everyone is a little bit different. But they are common ways that you can set your upper cervical care backwards, and they're worth considering if you're having a hard time holding your alignment.
January 18, 2012

Three lazy ways to get the most from your upper cervical chiropractic care

Less is more is a philosophy that guides the upper cervical chiropractic approach. Knowing when to do something, and when to get out of the body’s way, is an important part of healing through upper cervical care. That’s why your upper cervical chiropractor spends so much time determining when your body requires an adjustment, and when it doesn’t. It’s the doctor who knows when to do nothing that often helps his or her patients the […]
December 26, 2011

Will a straight neck give you arthritis?

The medical terms for a straight neck are kyphosis, lack of cervical curve, or military neck. In extreme cases one or more vertebra can tilt backward, creating a reverse neck curve. A straight neck is not a good thing and can have a number of consequences for human health. Let’s focus on one reason a straight neck is bad—it ruins neck joints. Why is the neck curved anyway? In a normal healthy state, the human […]