September 18, 2012

Chiropractic isn’t for back pain?

Wait--isn't chiropractic care for back pain? And aren't chiropractors quite effective at helping people with back problems. Well, no. And yes. Let's see why by taking a trip back into history.
October 16, 2011

Vertigo, back pain, and a life turned upside down

I wish I would have discovered upper cervical chiropractic care far earlier than I did. I also wish the radiologists who examined my MRIs and the Neuro-Ortho Surgeon who examined the MRIs and the spinal X-rays would have been educated in the detection of an Atlas Subluxation.
October 16, 2011

Sharp low back pain, headaches, tingling resolve with NUCCA care

I am back out on the soccer field a few times a month now – not as aggressive a player as before but it feels good to be able to get out and run. The past few months, I am out running the track 2-3 times a week...