February 22, 2020

About the NUCCA Procedure

Unless you're completely lost on the internet, you've ended up on this page because there's something you'd like to know about NUCCA. Maybe this is the first you've ever heard about NUCCA. Maybe a friend has recommended it and explained a little, but you'd like to know more. Whatever the case, the purpose of this article is to explain what NUCCA is. I hope it will be helpful for you.
May 2, 2016
nucca chiropractic big idea

Another convert to the crazy side

  So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything here in my NUCCA practice blog. The truth is that I just haven’t felt like it over the last few months. It turns out that having a kid basically rewires your brain and you forget all the things that used to be high on your priority list–and if it doesn’t, you’re probably a bad parent (so at least I can take some comfort in that). I […]
June 18, 2015
X-rays are better than Nazis

X-rays: Better Than Nazis

(or, Answers to Questions I Commonly Get Regarding X-rays) Misaligned spinal bones cause problems. Migraines, neck & back pain, vertigo–all kinds of stuff you’d never expect. I know this because my job is to realign these spinal bones. And when that’s done properly, these problems go away. The thing is, if you want to realign something, you first need to know how it’s misaligned. And since we’re dealing with misaligned bones, X-ray is the obvious solution. […]
August 30, 2011

How many chiropractic adjustments do I need? Part 2

Because we look at the spine from the perspective of “balance first” and not “joint alignment first” we tend to make fewer chiropractic adjustments than other chiropractors do. We improve the balance, and let the body's intelligence move the spine for itself, which it does, often with remarkable speed.
August 23, 2011

Chiropractic adjustments: how many do I really need? Part 1

Anchorage residents are asking: How many chiropractic adjustments do I need? Here’s the short answer: “It depends.” How many chiropractic adjustments you really need depends on two very important things. What you want out of your chiropractic care. The system of care your chiropractor is using. In this article, let’s talk about you and your use of chiropractic care first. We’ll save part two to talk about what your chiropractor is doing with his or […]
August 9, 2011

Anchorage residents ask: “Is it okay to pop my own neck?”

It may feel good to pop your own neck. But usually that immediate feeling of relaxation disappears in a few minutes and it's replaced by a new desire to pop your neck again. Which means whatever good you think you might be doing isn't really lasting.