January 26, 2012

50 simple ways to lose your upper cervical alignment

Does doing any one of these 50 things mean you're going to need another adjustment? Not necessarily. Everyone is a little bit different. But they are common ways that you can set your upper cervical care backwards, and they're worth considering if you're having a hard time holding your alignment.
December 26, 2011

Will a straight neck give you arthritis?

The medical terms for a straight neck are kyphosis, lack of cervical curve, or military neck. In extreme cases one or more vertebra can tilt backward, creating a reverse neck curve. A straight neck is not a good thing and can have a number of consequences for human health. Let’s focus on one reason a straight neck is bad—it ruins neck joints. Why is the neck curved anyway? In a normal healthy state, the human […]
December 7, 2011

TOS and Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care – Part 2

It's important to remember that the symptoms of TOS often occur not just from neck muscles, or from structures in the shoulder, but also from breakdown in the joint alignment of the lower neck. TOS symptoms are often found in chiropractic patients who have visible signs of mechanical stress in their neck on an x-ray.
December 4, 2011

Three ways Upper Cervical Chiropractic helps Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) – Part 1

Those suffering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) often have to fight a hard battle before they get the help they need. Here are three reasons why TOS patients might consider a consultation with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in our local area. What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome can be a painful and frustrating condition that affects the arms, forearms, hands, and fingers one one side of the body. It’s called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, […]
November 2, 2011

Vertigo, head injury, and upper cervical chiropractic care

Did you know? Almost half the cases of vertigo have no known medical cause, which means many vertigo patients often go searching for answers outside of prescription medications. Some vertigo patients have even found resolution to their vertigo after correcting an imbalance to their head and neck alignment through upper cervical chiropractic care.
October 16, 2011

Hip pain, Low Back pain, Corrected with Upper Cervical Alignment

The search for maintaining health is somewhat like mining for gold. When you use regular chiropractic care it is like finding a stream that has good quality gold, but when you use the upper cervical chiropractic care, you have hit the mother-lode.
October 16, 2011

Vertigo, back pain, and a life turned upside down

I wish I would have discovered upper cervical chiropractic care far earlier than I did. I also wish the radiologists who examined my MRIs and the Neuro-Ortho Surgeon who examined the MRIs and the spinal X-rays would have been educated in the detection of an Atlas Subluxation.
October 16, 2011

Sharp low back pain, headaches, tingling resolve with NUCCA care

I am back out on the soccer field a few times a month now – not as aggressive a player as before but it feels good to be able to get out and run. The past few months, I am out running the track 2-3 times a week...
October 12, 2011

Ten reasons to try upper cervical chiropractic care in Anchorage, AK

There are many reasons to give upper cervical chiropractic care a try in Anchorage, AK. Many of them are deeply personal to the patients who walk through our doors. Although there are others that may be unique to your situation, here are ten good reasons why you might want to make your next consultation with a health care provider in an upper cervical chiropractic office.
October 6, 2011

Six things upper cervical doctors do differently than other chiropractors

Upper cervical doctors are different than other chiropractors. To help you understand the differences, here are the top six ways your upper cervical doctor will be different than any other doctor of chiropractic that you will see.